About Clarity

About Clarity


Where does the information in Clarity come from?

The information in Clarity is based primarily on published peer-reviewed research, legal research, government reports, and nonpartisan/nonprofit reports. We never use information from or send users to organizations with a conflict of interest. The content in Clarity is written and produced by the Clarity team, in consultation with other experts around the country. It does not include sponsored content or machine generated information (AI).

Is the information I provide in Clarity private?

Yes. We ask for as little information from you as possible. The information we do ask for is only so we can provide you with the best matching information. All questions are optional and can be skipped.

Clarity does not sell or share information you provide with any third parties. Only YOU can choose to share your information with your trusted people.

You can read Clarity’s full Privacy Notice here.

Is Clarity free to use?

Clarity and Clarity materials are free to use for your own education and planning, and for assisting your friends and family with their education and planning.

Use for professional activities requires a professional license. A professional license may be free or have a license fee, depending on your use. If you are interested in using Clarity professionally, please contact us.

Why does Clarity tell me to go to a lawyer?

You are not required to use a lawyer, and some people do fine completing the legal steps discussed in Clarity without a lawyer

When it is possible to do so, having the assistance of a lawyer can help you understand and navigate the requirements of financial and legal planning, which can sometimes be very complex. A lawyer can also be your advocate to make sure decisions and arrangements are based on YOUR needs and wishes, not anyone else’s.

This Clarity topic Getting Legal Help gives more information about when and how to use a lawyer.

This is the end of the About Clarity topic. Go to the Home page to see other topics.